Picture Books with Jerrold

In December of 2021 I had this idea that I wanted to start a new YouTube channel where I’d talk about picture books. I wanted to do it in the style of Cartoonist Kayfabe over on YouTube. The deep dives into comic books the two hosts take are ridiculous. Nothing like that exists in children’s book publishing and I thought I could enjoy creating that kind of a program.

I drafted a few episode ideas and ran them past my family. My son suggested I name the program “Picture Books with Jerrold” and brand it PB&J (which was and still is a killer idea). I sketched up a potential logo and even filmed a pilot, as pictured below.

Look, I even got all dressed up!

And then I realized I was more interested in making books than talking about them so I ditched the idea.

Now, though, with this blog back up and running, I’m itching to talk about picture books again. I won’t be wearing a suit (probably) and I’m not diving deep (definitely), but I’m going to share books from my collection every now and then with the tag #PBwithJ. First up will be this book that has been hovering on the periphery of my mind since I saw it in a bookstore twenty five years ago and which I just purchased off ebay for the low, low price of four dollars and eighty-five cents.

Look! It even came with a CD!

Check in on Thursday, I should have it up by then.

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An Apology

I’d like to apologize to the Ides of March for suggesting they deleted my previous site and all the content therein. In reality, it was me and my inability to approach web design with patience. I carelessly overwrote my entire website while test running a Wix style website builder. It all worked out for the best, though, because while waiting for WordPress to reinstall, I went in the search for a completely new design style and remembered seeing a collage illustration of a cat I liked on Eija Sumner’s website. I went there to look for it and found instead that Eija had redesigned her site with the very smart Alexa theme from WordPress. I tried it out here and found I liked it a lot.

So, here we are. Back up and running. Again, sorry Ides of March. To make it up, I wanted to make a sketch of you. But instead, I decided to draw a March metaphor that’s a little easier to personify.

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