Daily Watercolor Day 4

I like his horns and those clouds. His dewlap in shadow, too. Not sure about the rest, though.
Daily Watercolor Day 4 Read More »
I like his horns and those clouds. His dewlap in shadow, too. Not sure about the rest, though.
Daily Watercolor Day 4 Read More »
One of the reasons I wanted to start up this blog was to find a more permanent home for my art and writing. Twitter has been my main social media platform for the last three years (despite having had an account for the last 13) and it’s been fun, a lot of fun. Twitter’s short format and ephemeral nature. It lends itself to the kind of improvisation I enjoy. That said… the short format, the ephemeral nature. It’s resulted in a body of work—even it it’s just thoughts and ideas—that exists in fragments in a digital never-never, accessible only by scrolling through the archives of a site that is meant to be experienced in the moment.
Phooey on that.
Then, too, there’s the idea that Twitter may suddenly (finally?) implode and in its death throes take with it all those thoughts and ideas. What then? Where shall I go when I want to remember how funny I was on a particular Summer day in 2020? My sweet, sweet witticisms. I will make a home for them here on my blog.
So, to that end, I’m going to drag some things out of Twitter and post them here. When I do, I’ll tag it with #FromTwitter. And so this blog doesn’t just become one big clip show or some kind of sad, nostalgia driven “@JerroldConnors’ Greatest Hits”, I’ll be sure to throw in some extra context.
I also want to say… I’m what? Five posts into this? I’m loving it. I forgot how much I enjoyed blogging back when I did. The ownership of your intellectual property feels different. I like this a lot better. I will admit, looking for and then realizing I’m not getting any like or retweet validation was a shock at first. But now? I like how freeing this feels.
I heard you like picture books by celebrities!
Yeah, yeah. I know people love to hate on celebrity-authored books, but I, quite honestly and just for the record, I have no opinion on them. This book, though, stands out in my mind because it had ALL the celebrities. I hadn’t seen it since I thumbed through it at a bookstore in Napa twenty-five years ago and I suddenly wanted to see it again. Thanks to ThriftBooks over on ebay, I was able to pick up a copy.
The story is Hans Christian Andersen’s THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES as told from the perspective of various court members and townspeople. The threads of the story are held together by a moth (illustrated by Quentin Blake) who flutters around the kingdom acting, if you’ll pardon the expression, as a fly on the wall letting the reader in on the various schemes and machinations behind the Emperor’s eventual humiliation.
So, each character (celebrity) gets a spread and each spread is given to an illustrator, themselves a celebrity of the children’s book illustration world. I mean look at that line-up! It’s a who’s-who of the then heaviest hitters—headliners at your local Bookstop, Borders, Coles, or Waldenbooks.
So I’m flipping through the book and I’m instantly struck by two things: man, did illustration have a “look” back then and, boy, do I ever miss it!
Thinking about how so many books from the 90s had that painterly look made me wonder which media dominated illustration at various times. It’s hardly a scientific survey, but I’d break it down like this:
70s | ink/ink and watercolor |
80s | colored pencil |
90s | oil pastel/oils |
00s | gouache |
10s | digital gouache/Procreate |
20s | ??? |
We’re only three years into this decade so maybe it’s too early to call it, but I expected to see a turn towards silkscreen and risography. Sure, I’m a zine fan and it was probably more than a little bit of wishful thinking but I remember rubbing my hands together when Joohee Yoon’s THE TIGER WHO WOULD BE KING (2015) came out and thinking, “Oh man! Here we go!!!”
Maybe it’s too gritty, indie, or artsy but I don’t think silkscreen/risograph is making headway as a dominant style for the 20s. That’s okay, I’m used to being wrong (I thought pencil was going to take over the 10s solely on the incredible appeal of Benjamin Chaud and Isabelle Arsenault’s works and it didn’t). Digital gouache, which some might call the “Procreate” style, stole the show. You see a lot of it and I think it’s poised to stick around for a while. To be clear, I’m not throwing any shade at those works! I have a fondness the style, it pairs really well with humor and a mid-century modern design sensibility. I will say, though, that I think few people do it as well as the OG (Original Gerald).
I’m interested to know what you think. Do you agree with my breakdown above? Have I overlooked an entire style or maybe missed the boat entirely? Hit me up in the comments. For now, I’m off like the the Moth, to go grab a late lunch. See ya!
UPDATE: To clear up a question from the comments: The Gerald Mc Boing Boing comparison was in reference to the style, rather than the medium. A better way to put it might be to say gouache/digital gouache looks really good with cartoonier characters. A lot of animators working in the early part of the 2000s were drawing inspiration from artists like Mary Blair. Gouache was getting a lot of play in Pixar concept art, for example. And given that there’s always some cross-pollination between animators and illustrators, it’s probably inevitable it would make its way into picture books.
#PBwithJ: THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES (1998) Read More »
Didn’t mention yesterday that I intend to do one of these small watercolor sketches every day. I want to get better at watercolors and messing around like this seems to be the way to go. Here’s today’s, inspired by a hike with @grubreport.
Daily Watercolor: Day 2 Read More »
In December of 2021 I had this idea that I wanted to start a new YouTube channel where I’d talk about picture books. I wanted to do it in the style of Cartoonist Kayfabe over on YouTube. The deep dives into comic books the two hosts take are ridiculous. Nothing like that exists in children’s book publishing and I thought I could enjoy creating that kind of a program.
I drafted a few episode ideas and ran them past my family. My son suggested I name the program “Picture Books with Jerrold” and brand it PB&J (which was and still is a killer idea). I sketched up a potential logo and even filmed a pilot, as pictured below.
And then I realized I was more interested in making books than talking about them so I ditched the idea.
Now, though, with this blog back up and running, I’m itching to talk about picture books again. I won’t be wearing a suit (probably) and I’m not diving deep (definitely), but I’m going to share books from my collection every now and then with the tag #PBwithJ. First up will be this book that has been hovering on the periphery of my mind since I saw it in a bookstore twenty five years ago and which I just purchased off ebay for the low, low price of four dollars and eighty-five cents.
Check in on Thursday, I should have it up by then.
Picture Books with Jerrold Read More »
I’d like to apologize to the Ides of March for suggesting they deleted my previous site and all the content therein. In reality, it was me and my inability to approach web design with patience. I carelessly overwrote my entire website while test running a Wix style website builder. It all worked out for the best, though, because while waiting for WordPress to reinstall, I went in the search for a completely new design style and remembered seeing a collage illustration of a cat I liked on Eija Sumner’s website. I went there to look for it and found instead that Eija had redesigned her site with the very smart Alexa theme from WordPress. I tried it out here and found I liked it a lot.
So, here we are. Back up and running. Again, sorry Ides of March. To make it up, I wanted to make a sketch of you. But instead, I decided to draw a March metaphor that’s a little easier to personify.
Beware the Ides of March, they deleted my entire website. Will be back up soon. -Jerrold.
Temporarily under construction Read More »