Dozen Days o’ Donuts: Who Wrote the Foreword to My Book?

I don’t think there’s much sense in making this a guessing game. I mean, there’s really no question. If you were to make a children’s illustration art book, who would you want to write the foreword?

No, not Guy Fieri.

Gee, maybe you haven’t imagined this scenario. I’ll give you a clue. Here’s her custom made donut:

Ostrich Donut

Got it? NO? Okay, here’s another hint.

Got me a book!

Oh, for goodness sakes, not David Small (although that’d be rad). Here’s one last clue…

Greetings from Weslandia!

Not Kate Atienza (though also rad). NO! It’s BETSY FUSE EIGHT HERSELF BIRD. Yes, Betsy kindly agreed to take a break from writing, podcasting, book reviewing, interviewing, and TikToking to write a foreword to my donut book. Honestly, I don’t know how Betsy does it all (and all so WELL), but she does and I am very thankful for her willingness to celebrate the completion of my project with some appropriate words.

Thank you, Betsy!

I’ve teased a lot and you probably want to know what Betsy wrote but I’m sorry, you’ll have to get the book to find out!

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