I’d like to apologize to the Ides of March for suggesting they deleted my previous site and all the content therein. In reality, it was me and my inability to approach web design with patience. I carelessly overwrote my entire website while test running a Wix style website builder. It all worked out for the best, though, because while waiting for WordPress to reinstall, I went in the search for a completely new design style and remembered seeing a collage illustration of a cat I liked on Eija Sumner’s website. I went there to look for it and found instead that Eija had redesigned her site with the very smart Alexa theme from WordPress. I tried it out here and found I liked it a lot.
So, here we are. Back up and running. Again, sorry Ides of March. To make it up, I wanted to make a sketch of you. But instead, I decided to draw a March metaphor that’s a little easier to personify.